Gabriella Ford

“Collie, you, more than anyone should know the answer to that after our talk about Manda.”That brought them up short. “No, it doesn’t,” Tabby admitted. “She was so sure...”“That’s EXACTLY what you said about Lana’s insistence that I’d murdered Tricia’s unborn child. Word for word,” I told her evenly, making her wince. “I have to walk Tricia home soon, but the other girls will be here this evening if you’d like to meet them. I’m making macaroni and cheese for dinner. I’m sure Patty has room for. “Well, I don’t know,” Amicus replied as he reached over for his wine cup. As soon as he set it down, Senator Marcu’s own serving man stepped forward to refill his cup.Amicus was quick to move his hand under the boy’s skirt I back and finger his whole while he poured the wine.Angry, but controlling himself, Senator Marcu said. “The slaves over there, Amicus. Do pick out one of those for your own use, please.”Amicus bounded off his couch. “Well, perhaps if I saw them in the light, and without. “You okay?”“Yeah sorry, I’m good.” Lori was better than good, she couldn’t feel anything or anyone inside her. She started to cry, but stopped and took a deep breath. Now was not the time. They had to find a place to sleep for the night and what if Harriet didn’t want to sleep near her.About thirty minutes later they pulled into campground and Harriet parked the car in front of the office. She turned and looked at Lori. “I asked the guy at the gas station and he told me this was a safe place. Connie and I stood talking after her kids headed back across the street and she invited me to a little party that weekend, supposedly a simple little gathering. I was mostly looking forward to it, a good way to meet the locals, but I was more than a little hesitant. As a lesbian, I was often less than welcome in many neighborhoods and while I don’t advertise, I also don’t really hide it. Which pretty much sums up the party. Half the guys tried to hit on me, ranging from some older.
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